

On view from June 21 to September 28, 2025

Ghosts have long aroused fear or curiosity in the general public. Beyond the symbol of ghost spirits that they have represented in our collective imagination for centuries, they have become a real source of inspiration for the artistic world and an object of study for the scientific world.
With an innovative approach, the new summer exhibition at the Hôtel départemental des expositions du Var in Draguignan, Ghosts, will offer a wide variety of representations of ghosts across the world and cultures, as well as the beliefs that surround them. It is visible from June 21 to September 28, 2025.
"What is the name of ghost? How to place this entity among vague terms and notions like "spirits" or "revenants? This exhibition aims to show the universal character of ghosts within civilizations, but also the very great variety of their representations in time and space.", underlines Philippe Charlier, main curator of the exhibition, forensic doctor, archaeologist, anthropologist and director of the LAAB (Laboratory of Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology), UFR Simone Veil - health (UVSQ / Paris-Saclay). And to add: "We will not answer the question: "do ghosts exist?", but on the contrary will try to find out why everyone (or almost) believes in them"
Thanks to the participation of many Parisian museums, other French and foreign museums, private collectors and the Laboratory of Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Nearly 300 objects are on display.